Why Do you Need Tomatoes?
Certain people believe that we eat tomatoes or use as an ingredient in cooking just to make the food mild and also to give the food a good taste. Just of recent, more light was shed on tomatoes to enable us become aware of the authentic reasons why everyone needs to eat tomatoes. Are you one of those that hold unto the outdated and common place reasons for eating tomatoes? Then, find below seven reasons and benefits of eating tomatoes. 1. Prevention Of Cancer Even though, it is not all cancers that eating tomatoes can help prevent, tomatoes can work perfectly in the prevention of breast, prostate, colorectal and stomach cancer. How so?, it is as a result of the presence of zeaxanthin, lutein and high level of lycopene in tomatoes, all of which are natural antioxidant which are capable of combating the cancer causing cells. 2. Good For The Heart Tomatoes help in lowering the blood pressure levels as well as minimize the cholesterol levels due to the fact ...